Search Results
Gwen being adorable and Percy being a father - a Critical Role Short - C3 E36 and 4-Sided Dive E8
The Fate-Touched | Critical Role: VOX MACHINA | Episode 103
A Test of Trust | Critical Role | Campaign 3, Episode 80
Become the flask you’d like to see in the world #criticalrole
Yeah, I'm sticking with this accent for the next two years! A Mighty Nein Short C2 E1 & Reunion
Critical Role Campaign 2 Wrap-Up
I love their fake love #criticalrole #shadowgast
Ghosts Dates and Darker Fates | Critical Role Abridged | Campaign 3, Episode 10
critical role c1 but it's all the times they made me laugh so hard that I wrote the timestamp down
Flat Exandria
Masquerade | Critical Role: VOX MACHINA | Episode 99
The best Critical Role Sponsor Ad ever??? C3 E19 (no spoilers) #criticalrole